Tag Archives: WTF

Thursday 9.23.10 – Jordan Kai

Preface: I was in a short film, for a contest. The rules were that the same 4 lines were to be used and no other and that it was to be less than 3 minutes.  Have a good laugh.

Today, I had one of those moments where I looked around and thought to myself,

“What the FUCK. “

How did I get to be standing in the middle of The Grove on a Wednesday afternoon, drinking limeade, and being only 20 minutes from what I currently call my home.  Like, for serious.

This is the moment that “WTF” was invented for.

When you can no longer justify the lack of normalcy in your life and you have to just ask yourself…. Wasn’t I just living in NY? Or Boston? Or Virginia, for that matter?   Don’t I have to go buy a fall formal dress? Or read some book for a class I wish I didn’t have to take?  WTF.

It is the 2nd day of fall… haha, like I would have known that if I hadn’t been reminded by someone who lives on the east coast.  Fall? WTF is fall?  I’m bracing myself for the lack of season, though I don’t know if it will hit me until I go back east and realize that the vacationland I call home is in a perpetual state of summer and everyone else in the world is still suffering the consequences (and loveliness) of November.

I was thinking last night, what it will be like to have no snow in December: no winter coat, snow boots, or excuses that I couldn’t get somewhere because the roads were too icy (even if the real reason is because my bed is warm and I have a lifetime supply of sugar-free swiss miss in my cabinet). I know it is only September, but I’m an Aquarius, which means I am a future thinker.  Never thinking about the now, always thinking about what is coming next. So, I start thinking about my Halloween costume in June and I start thinking about the weirdness of winter on the 2nd day of fall. When I was 10, my birthday party was going to be at the indoor pool my parents belonged to. Of course, it closed that weekend because of the blizzard of ’96.  My friends came over and we wore our swimsuits in my living room, not really the same, but thanks folks for the effort.  Therefore, I wonder, will I finally be able to have that pool party on my birthday I’ve always wanted? These are things that are clearly well in the future, but they are becoming a part of my everyday life.  Tonight, when standing outside with my roommates, I said, “It is COLD out.” Mind you, the weather here is currently 60deg. Then, quickly, I followed with “I’ve been living LA too long. This is clear.” What happened to the thick skin I spend 24 years perfecting!? What happened to thinking 60 was a perfect shorts day and that COLD was when it was below 0.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, and (sorry everyone back east) I have no plans to move anytime soon, but how did this happen? How did I become that girl who is cold in 60deg weather while wearing a SWEATSHIRT?


I gave Ernie a haircut on Sunday. He needed it. He was getting really dirty and very scruffy, even for Ernie.  So, I gave my first EVER haircut (excluding the one I gave myself when I was 4). He looks great.  I mean.  He still looks like a dog, so that’s a plus. Kidding. I’m proud of myself.

I’ve also rediscovered my love of baking.  I love it.  I truly love baking it more than I even love eating it.  DUH, I still love eating it. But the act of making something that then provides joy to all my friends with the bonus of a sense of creativity and accomplishment, just rocks.

This past weekend my baby cousin Devin was here. She arrived Thursday and left on Monday. It was the first time that we’ve been without our family.  It was our first cousin weekend. It was incredible. Please understand, that Devin will always be my baby cousin… but she is actually 21.  When we were little, she was just “the shadow,” to me.  A nickname she got because she copied everything I did…everything.  Imagine what it is like to have someone 3.5 years younger than you following LITERALLY your every step. But, now, she is just the coolest person I know.  I love her to a million pieces. She is incredibly smart, beautiful, and so much fun I can’t even believe that we’re lucky enough to be related.  We had a great weekend of shopping, eating, and LAUGHING. A lot. It was just what both of us needed and I was so sad to see her go.  We don’t see each other nearly enough, but I think now that we know what good friends and “BFF cousins,” we make, we’ll both go out of our way to make sure these weekends happen more often.

As far as the examination of my life goes, I think I’ll give it a rest for the moment.  So much of my day-to-day life is a shock to the system that it isn’t even worth analyzing. For now when I look out my window and see palm trees, drink coffee in my backyard with my puppy, and sit in the perpetually beautiful weather, I’ll just take a deep breathe and say…. WTF.