Daily Archives: October 15, 2010

Friday 10.15.10 – Steve

So this blog is technically a week late. I apologize to all of my blog fans (mom & dad) for the delay.


What is interesting to me is how not writing my blog last week has caused me to do some thinking.  Thinking about why I didn’t write, why I’ve been feeling a bit out of touch, why I haven’t started working out, why I haven’t read as much as I want to.


I boiled it down to one thing, a lack of inspiration.


Usually, before I blog, I read all the previous entries for the week, looking for inspiration.  I’ve been trying to write and read and create more, but I’ve looking for inspiration


Inspiration is a funny thing.  One of those rare things in life that you can’t really search for.  Searching for inspiration is like looking for a flashlight in the dark so you can find your flashlight.


Today I read an article about a Army lieutenant who fought in Iraq, but when he came home, fell victim to alcoholism.  He was still stationed at a military base but was pushing papers, and generally regarded as just another washed out solider.  But then he checked himself, and decided to change.  He started competing in the Armies boxing tournaments, had a goal to be the best, and got there.  He now is in charge of a full section of the Army’s athletic training program.  He was inspired, but not because he asked to be.  He simply looked around and let inspiration grow the way it naturally does.  He saw soldiers all around him achieving greatness and he wanted the same. “When you see other people succeeding, is stirs you to do the same.”


So I’ve been thinking I’m going to stop looking for inspiration, and just be an inspired person.  I live with four people who are all chasing their dreams fervently. That’s inspiring.  I have good friend who has changed his life and is studying to get his dream job as a firefighter. That’s inspiring.  I have a parents who are still together and love each other.  That’s inspiring. I have a brother who is working his ass off to be the best he can be at his job, and succeeding at it everyday.  That’s inspiring.  I have a sister who is in that beautiful place in life where her options are so open that all she has to do is absorb and choose what makes her happy. That’s inspiring.


I’m hoping that this new idea of ‘living inspired’ will stick with me.  Because, and forgive me for my modesty, I think it’s friggin genius.


In other news…


Blue Man group audition is on Thursday.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever wanted something so bad.


But don’t worry, the inspiration to go get it is there.


Be easy

Be inspired


steve o