Daily Archives: October 18, 2010

Monday 10.18.10 – Carlos

It’s late, and I have to be up in a few hours to go to work.

One of my experiences out here has been the opportunity to test out challenges for new reality show coming out next year. Now I would love to tell you all about them, but i signed this little thing called a confidentiality agreement and I think i can get sued if i do. needless to say I’ll make sure to let y’all know when they air.

I am smiling right now, getting some of my own medicine, but that’s you build up a tolerance!

In the last year I’ve done 2 major motion pictures. worked 2 network TV shows. done 2 pieces of theatre and lived on 2 coasts.

In between I’ve slept with a fantastic amount of….panache, been inside many…casting offices, and gotten to know many wonderful…ways to get to where I’m going fastest.

I saw the finale of Mad Men tonight, no spoilers here, and i am in constant awe at how attached I am to such a polarizing figure like Don Draper. I by no means profer that I am like Don Draper (his clothing is way more expensive) but i find myself relating to his actions on so many levels. I have a goal, to become the best Me that i can become. I also have many wants, and a few needs. I’ve hurt, albeit, unintentionally, many people along the way. Whether its women realizing I’m  pussy when it comes to taking a step into a real relationship, Or the proverbial bill collector knocking, Or my family, wondering where I go for months at a time. I don’t have an answer for any of this, just in a mood to point out my flaws, in order to maybe psychologically dissuade you from more than liking me. Regardless, I am who I am, and I wouldn’t change anything about my journey. I know it’s been circumlocutory (i’ll save you the google search – definition ) but its that kind of journey that allows you to see everything around and leading up to your current destination. I would not have been ready, or mature enough to be out here when i was 25, LA would have swallowed me whole. As opposed to now, where it’s me doing the chewing.

tangent alert: totally have a crush on jessica pare – no one has made bad teeth this sexy..ever.

Did i mention how incredible it is to watch the patriots at the local sports bar? With all the poole hous west sports fans, and a bunch of other random pats fans. Where after our only 2nd time there, the bartender, rachel, loves us, and treats us like norm, fraser and cliff? Amazing.

Did I mention  i started painting again? Yup, and like everything i do, in spurts. Pics to follow and a website, just for them to follow after that.

Did I mention that I LOVE playing football here. Its the 2nd time in 3 weeks and both timse are by far the highlight of my athletic activities experience in LA.

Did I mention that the softball team I’m on is worse than the Washington Generals? Well we are. The thing is, we’re all for the most part damn good atheletes, but the team work aspect is missing. I realize now how much of a team sport soft/baseball are. No matter how good you are at pitching or hitting. If you’re outfie;d can’t make routine catehes, or you cant turn a double play, or even a single play….you’re bound to be in trouble.  I have  a poll.

Who gets  a win first? The Johnny Depps, or the Buffalo Bills.

“you only like the beginning of things” – MAD MEN

Have a good week y’all.