Daily Archives: October 25, 2010

Monday 10.25.10 – Carlos

I live here now.

It’s interesting to say that. I flew to Boston for the weekend to see an old friend and surprise him for his birthday. His wonderful gf flew me out and there was no way I was going to say no to that.

Being in Boston, for the first time in my life was weird. I felt out of place. I felt like a visitor, which is what I was/am. Seeing all the old sights, the old apartments, Emerson, the common, the north end, felt different. It was a sense of fleeting. I enjoyed being there, but couldn’t help but be anxious to return to..home. A small caveat, being treated like “hollywood” was a trip and people asked so many questions about “the town” I offered up a piece of humble pie, which is my mentality.

I live here now.

It’s been 5 months and sometimes i forget that. Its easy to forget that I am 3000 miles away from where I spent 12 years of my life when my best friends still live with me and life is similar to the way it was in Boston. instead of Music though, it’s Acting, and music, and painting, and writing, and producing. Instead of snow, it’s heat. Instead of college girls, it’s women.

I dream here now.

for the first time in 2 years I have a little pep in my step. I also have the foresight to realize that the taste of my own medicine is going to be nothing short of a learning experience.

With 7 months left on the lease I am pretty confident that I will find myself in Hollywood, or at least over the hill with the boys. Yes this house is INCREDIBLE, but i think that we’ll all be itching to make the pre-requisite transition to LA proper once we have a year of valley under our belt.

These next 2 weeks will be a challenge, with work, and professional and personal goals looming on the horizon.

It’s hard not to edit myself on this blog for fear or hurting feelings or saying things that will end up with my foot in my mouth. But I sure as hell suck at heeding the warnings that my friends have levied against me, I’ll eventually have the chutzpah to fill everyone in on what this cryptic paragraph means. For better of worse.

I sleep here. Now.
